Monday, 14 December 2009

This page will be a games page to help students
with their studies

This page will be about information for parents
on everything they need to no about the school.

This page will be the second page to my website
showing information about the school.

This page is the home page for my website

Monday, 16 November 2009

Here is my story board for my perlimanary task.

Monday, 19 October 2009

Preliminary Task: Web Designs and Convention

A convention is a widely recognised way of doing something. They are informal rules that have been adopted over time. A list of conventions forms a set of guidelines that are generally followed, but do not have to be. They can be broken to achieve more artistic flare and create something new and interesting.

Conventions are useful because they reduce the amount of decoding a user has to do. They are able to convey complex meanings in the simplest visual information. This in turn makes the designer of a media text’s (e.g. website) job easier.

People expect them to be used but as they can be broken down a convention does not have to be used all the time but only if it is broken down properly otherwise it wouldn't look good and wouldn't work properly.

Coventions such as layout, sizing, style are found in webdesign

The websites purpose is to attract parents and children to try to promote their school to try and get parents to enrole their children into that school.

The audience of the website will be current students, new pupils considering going to the school and the parents of both. Also another audience for the website would be teachers thinking of getting a job or transferring to the school to see what the school is like.

The website has to communicate that the school it is advertising is a good school worth going to as they have good grades and that the school is an enjoyable working environment.

The personalitywill be somewhere in between formal and informal. This means that the layout will be clear and easy to use using the porper english languageso that it has a relaxed feel and advertises the school in a positive light to both the students and their parents.

Monday, 28 September 2009

Preliminary Research:

My first task that I must complete is to research four similar school websites and analyse them in detail.
Website Preliminary exercise:

A new homepage for a school/college.This should include a photo of the institution, buttons to provide easy navigation to other areas of the site and appropriate welcomingtext. There should also be a working hyperlink to a media department page, also with a photo.The task aims to demonstrate understanding of the software and of webpage conventions.